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1877 Directory H/L


1877 Directory M/N

38, 40 & 41 Thomas Angel & Co., sailmakers and coal merchants,
42. James Meehan, provision store
      White, Brothers & Co., millers, corn merchants, &c.

     Turkish Baths
     Mrs. Henry Bolton.
1.  Walter Munn, engineer.
3.  Michael Kirwan.
3.  James Washington, professor of music.
4.  Thomas Angel.
5.  Henry Rundle.
6.  Margaret Dobbyn.
7.  Thomas Myles.
8.  Margaret Walsh.
10. Henry Roberts.
11. Eliza Wilson.
12. Sarah Pope.
13. John Hughes. 

    The Good Shepherd Convent
1. Michael Flanagan, mason.

1.   Patrick O'Keeffe, plumber, & Co.
     Robert Ward, pensioner.
     Nicholas Elixion, seaman.
     Edward Corcoran, publican.
     John Moffat tailor.
     Alexander Pipe, spirit merchant
13. Anthony Lowcay, dealer.
14. Abigail Jeffares, dealer.
17. James Lumley, tailor.
18. J. Bilton, professor of music.
19. James Kent.
20. William Thomas, billiard rooms.
21. John Hearn, builder.
22. Joseph Clampett, butter merchant and auctioneer.
23. The Misses Scott upholsterers.
1.   John Higgins  
2.   Thomas Brown.
3.   John Rice.
4.   Johanna Murphy.
5.   Alfred Higgins, engineer.
7.   Ellen Ready.
8.   Moses Hunter, pensioner.
9.   Catherine Kelly.
10. Thomas Dunne, smith.
11. John Walsh, moulder.
12. James Hernan, accountant
14. Isaac Scales, accountant
      James McLean, professor of English and mathematics.
16. James Barry, pilot
17. William Grace, painter.
18. John Fowler, pilot
19. Thomas Henry, pilot
21. James Skelton, rope maker.
22. Michael Higgins, pensioner.
24. John Phelan, master mariner.
25. John Higgins, engineer.
HENRY STREET (Thomas's Hill)
1. Barbara Delanders.
2. Mary Walsh, dealer.
    James Kent & Son, Newfoundland. Fish merchants.
3. James Dalton, pig buyer.
1.  Michael McGrath, victualler,
     John Murphy, victualler,
2.  John Phelan, wine & spirit dealer.
3.  Thomas Hill, poulterer.
5.  James Ryan, victualler.
6.  Richard Kenny, game, fish and poultry dealer.
8.  William Jones, provision dealer.
9.  Anne Morris, poulterer.
10. James Molloy, publican.
     Fish House.
13. James Gallagher, poulterer and fishmonger.
15. Matthew Stone, poulterer.
16. William Dolman, green grocer.
17. Peter Isbert, rigger.
19. Mary Casey, umbrella maker.
20. Nicholas Power, butter store.
27. Bridget Power, gilder.
39. William Hennebery, poulterer.
40. Edward Murphy, dealer.
      Henry Gallwey's bond spirit store.
45. Edward Walsh, publican.
      The Shambles.
50. Catherine Walsh, publican.
51. Edmond Power, butter merchant
52. Martin Mahony, provision dealer.
53. Robert Morris, publican.
      John Kenny's egg store.
55. John Power, fish and game dealer.
57. John Tobin.
58. M. Phelan, grocer & spirit dealer.
59. Mary Thompson, grocer & spirit dealer.

1. Ellen Holmes, naildealer.
2. John Walker, boot and shoemaker.
3. Patrick Power, saddler.
5. Michael Ryan, dealer.
6. Anastatia Power, dealer.
7. Philip Walsh, saddler.
6. Patrick Kavanagh, lodging house.
9. Thomas Furness, publican.
10. Margaret Carroll, publican.
11. Patrick Fanning, mason.
12. John Murphy, bakery.
13. Ellen Phelan, undertaker.
15. Peter Doyle, mariner store.
16. Elisabeth Ward, poulterer.
24 . Edmond Jackson, publican.
25. John Aherne, grocer & spirit dealer.
28. Andrew Bowman, publican.
32. J. Johnson, veterinary & posting establishment
33. Richard Casey, pawnbroker.
34. Stephen Walsh, nailor.
39. G. Spencer, publican & coal merchant.
40. Bridget Kirwan, publican.
41. Walter Methven, clothes dealer.
43. David Kelly, publican.
44. James Power, dealer.
45. Thomas Toole, publican.
46. Edward Cuffe, lodging house.
      Edward Power, publican.
47. M. Cooney, flour & meal dealer.
48. Martin Flynn, draper.
49. John Keating, publican.
50.               do
51. James Sheridan, cooper.
52. Mary Lonergan, provision store.
53. John Flahavan, provision dealer.
58. T. O'Neill, meat and foul dealer.
59. Michael Power, furniture dealer.
61. P. Regan, flour and bread dealer.
62. Anne Maxwell, pawnbroker.
66. Ellen Lee, marine store dealer.
67. Thomas Hayes, hairdresser.

1.   Edward Ryan, publican.
2.   Mary J. Kennedy, dealer.
      Thomas Ryan, dealer.
      John Collins, stonecutter.
      Maurice Flynn, dealer.
      Patrick Canty, publican.
      J. Devereux, flour and meal dealer.
      John Garvey,publican.
55. Francis Lyons, glue manufacturer.
56. Thomas Power, meal & coal dealer.
      Margaret Kirwan, grocer.
66. Edward Lee, dealer.
71. Michael Phelan, publican.
      John Scurry, cooperage.
      Andrew Finn, miller, meal and flour dealer.

41. Anne M. Scroder.
42. John Blair, Inland revenue officer.
43. Margaret O'Brien
44. David Davison,
45. William Waters, accountant
47. Joseph Pemberton, contractor.
48. Michael Hackett, cooper.
49. Sarah Gollock.
50. Richard Curtis, accountant.
      Mary Power, dealer.

1.   Joseph Walsh, auctioneer.
2.   Miss Kizbey.
3.   Edward Deevy.
4.   John Wilson Downey.
5.   George G. Black, Sub-Inspector, Royal Irish Constabulary.
6.   Rev. John Fleury,
7.   Mrs. Chambers.

      Edward Courtenay.
      Henry Bell, Landscape House.
      Henry Denny.
      John T. Medlycott, Rosemount
      P. Barron, Newell.
      Isaac Thornton
      Catherine Grant, dealer.
      Patrick Power, dealer.
      Alice Walsh, dealer.
      Johanna Gough, dealer.
50. John Veal, weigh master.
54. Patrick Ready, engineer.
      Richard Mills, gardener.
      John Ryan.
55. John Popham, pensioner.
56. Bridget Allen.
57. William Reid, police pensioner.
      The Fever Hospital
      The Leper Hospital.
    Richard Power, coal merchant
1. Anne Power, fruit dealer.
5. Catherine Holden, publican.
    Francis Connors, mason.
    Patrick Foley, labourer.
    Thomas Brown, marine store.
    Thomas Connors, carpenter.
    Patrick Dwyer, marine store.
    Patrick Comerford, watchman.
1. David Condon, watchman.
2. Bridget Power, dealer.
3. Anne Howlett, tailoress.
4. Patrick Cashen, cork cutter.
5. Matthew Ennis,
    Loughlin Freeman, porter stores.
7. John Fanning, mason.
KING STREET (now O'Connell St.)
3.   George White.
4.   Provincial Bank of Ireland, John Allingham, manager.
5.   W. Cherry, provision stores.
6.   W. Cherry, provision stores.
7.   W. Cherry, provision stores.
8.   Peter Mackey, corn merchant
10. Nicholas Phelan, seedsman.
11. White, Brothers & Co., corn merchants and millers.
12. White, Brothers & Co., corn merchants and millers.
13. Johanna Knox, publican.
15. E. Fielding grocer & spirit dealer.
16. Michael Grant, sailmaker.
17. John Regan, victualler; E. Courtenay, butter merchant
18. Michael Cooper, publican.
19. Isaac Thornton, solicitor.
21. R. Whalley, room paper merchant and painter; J. J. Feely,
     Friends Meeting House.
23. James F. Scott, apothecary and medical practitioner.
24. Robertson & Ledlie's apartments.
25. William Power, nursery & seedsman.
26. The Waterford Citizen office, James H. McGrath, proprietor.
29. Mary O'Donnell, confectioner.
     Waterford Savings Bank
     School of Art and Design.
     W. & C. I. Railway parcel office.
33. Thomas O'Brien, provision store.
34. Michael O'Neill, coal merchant
35. R. W. Rose, seed merchant and commission agent
36. Dennis Healy, seed merchant
37. Charles Hayden, publican.
38. Miss E. Kavanagh.
39. O'Brien & Howard, solicitors.
40. James Power, salt dealer.
41. James Meehan, provision store.
42. James Meehan, provision store.
43. White, Brothers & Co.; Mary Feehan, canvas;
     James O'Neill, corn merchant
47. J. & S. Phelan, corn merchants.
48. J. & S. Phelan, corn merchants.
49. Waterford News office, C. Redmond, proprietor.
50.                               Ditto
51. William Smith, timber merchant
52. C. J. Hill, salt & egg merchant
1. Matthew Neill, accountant
2. Peter Whalley, painter, &c.
3. Robert Whalley, painter, &c.
4. J. F. Fielding, butter merchant

St Francis Priory.
The Infant Parochial School.
5. Robert Burkitt, M.D.
6. Richard Rogers, M.D.
7. Waterford Dispensary.
Thomas Daveran, cabinet maker.
C. McIntosh, plumber & gasfitter.
Constabulary Barrack.
The Misses Firth's school.
 O'Brien's collegiate school.
James Jacques' city bakery.
William & J. Brown, smiths.
Girls' Blue School.
St Martin's Female Orphanage.
The Primitive Methodist Chapel.
Sisters of Charity, convent and schools.
34. Rev. Patrick Kent
37. William Carroll, M.D.
38. Mrs. Frances J. Mackesy.
39. V. R. Delandre, M.D.
40. Edward Flanagan, tailor.
42. William J. Sinclair,
43. Samuel W. Brown, M.D.
44. Edward J. Barron, solicitor.
47. George I. Mackesy, M.D.
48. Eliza Power, green grocer
49. Mary Wallace, registry office.

1.  Debora Stokesbury.
     Eliza Smith
     Otho Hamilton, piano tuner.
     Patrick R. Power, accountant.
     Mary Phelan, nurse.
     Richard Donovan, publican.
     Anne Grey, publican.
     William Gallagher, fish dealer.
     Mary Gordon, dealer.
     Stephen Connolly, dealer.
     Edward Delahunty,publican, &c.
     Edward McCarthy, publican.
     Michael Lynch, sailmaker.
     John Corcoran, tailor.
18. Mrs. Murphy, lodgings.
19. Patrick Power, lodgings.
     Waterford Savings Bank
     School of Art and Design.
     W. & C. I. Railway parcel office.

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Last modified: 02/06/06